Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Isle of Shadows: book review

Provided as a complimentary copy by Booksneeze, Isle of Shadows proved to be everything it promised.  Set in the turbulent and obscure times of the "silent" period (between the Old and New Testaments), Isle of Shadows described the sad but riveting life of Tessa, a high-class prostitute to a key political figure on a Greek island.  Despite Tessa's best attempts to seal off her heart, an elderly Jewish servant wins her trust and demonstrates Yahweh's love to her during her time of deepest need. The love of the One True God and of a young man of character eventually win Tessa over and help her to face the formidable forces seeking to destroy her.

Tracy Higley is becoming a real favorite of mine.  Her writing is polished and nuanced, feeding the reader meaty Scriptural truths while capturing attention through rich detail and characterization.  Tessa's internal transformation speaks to any reader who is struggling with guilt over the past and is looking for a fresh start and the healing power of forgiveness.  I especially liked the surprise Biblical historical character link to the Messiah revealed at the end of the book! Higley hits another home run in Isle of Shadows, for sure!

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