I'm quite convinced she's safe from the lamp's shadow on the wall that she fears.
I have no doubt that she's safe from the monsters that live under her bed.
But when I remind her to turn her fears to God and trust in Him, there's that niggling doubt in the back of my mind.... "But God may not keep her safe tonight. Thieves may rob us in the night. Terrors that she cannot imagine may come unannounced. Can I really in full honesty assure her of safety?"
In each of these situations, people of the Bible were confidently proclaiming their trust in God's sovereignty -- that safety that comes with knowing Him.
With this simple review of Scriptural truth, I felt the sweet peace of God's sovereignty come to roost in my heart. There may be dangers along my daughter's life journey that would whelm my heart were I to know them in advance. However, I can safely trust her to The Father's sovereign care, knowing that nothing comes her way that He hasn't granted. And I can encourage her to rest in His sovereignty -- to rest in the same sweet peace that allowed David to sleep in the very face of danger: "I will lie down and sleep in peace, for You alone, OLord will make me to dwell in safety." (Psalm 4:8)