Thursday was Valentine's Day, and we celebrated with roses and dinner out. When we stopped on the way home for a quick Walmart run, I contemplated the difference between married-life Valentine's Day dates and dating Valentine's Day dates. Though the anticipation of being picked up at my apartment and the mystique of that first glimpse of each other all dolled-up is gone, the exchange is exhilarating in a very different way.
Instead of the dinner dates becoming ordinary, the ordinary has become magical.
Walking into Walmart for milk with the man I get to spend forever with makes Walmart the best date ever. Discussing ordinary grocery needs and checking account balances doesn't suck the romance from the day, instead it turns those discussions into the magic of our lives together.
I'm not disappointed; I'm delighted. I'd rather be going to Walmart with this man than going to fancy restaurants with anyone else.
Proving wrong yet again the TV shows, magazines, and social media that make serial dating look like the enviable life and married life dull and lackluster. I'd rather have gold over glitter any day.