Monday, August 24, 2009

The Paperwork Process

Once we'd decided to focus on adoption, I was chomping at the bit to get started. But I had to wait. Waiting has long been a struggle for me. I like to see immediate results and have all the steps fall into place. But waiting has been a constant theme in my life. This time I had to wait for us to move.

After a little bit of research, I found that one of the first steps for foster care and/or adoption is completing a home study. Since we were anticipating a move to another state, I knew that it was pointless to begin the process until we were settled. But I printed out the forms and made a few calls in the weeks leading up to our move, trying to expedite the process as much as possible.

We've decided to try to adopt through Jamaica first. I could not find many agencies working with Jamaican adoptions, though the wait and cost were quoted as much shorter and lower than almost any other international adoption. A phone conversation with one agency in Jamaica proved very discouraging as she cited a long list of problems with adopting from Jamaica. But we are persisting, hoping and praying that Conroy's family in Jamaica will make the process smoother for us than it might be for the typical American family seeking to adopt. We are not going through an agency either as the cost increases substantially to hire an adoption agency and Jamaica does not require that we go through an agency; we can adopt directly through Jamaica's Child Development Agency (an office of the government).

Ever impatient, I wanted to increase our chances of finding a child quickly by looking domestically at the same time that we are in process with Jamaica, but I've been told that's not possible. Each home study must be country specific. And getting a home study done is not a cheap or simple process! ($1200 for an international adoption and between $200-$300 for domestic)

Besides completing the home study application on this end, we've also submitted an application to the Jamaican CDA for approval on their end. We're waiting to hear from Jamaica in regard to that application now. I'm working on getting all the required forms together for the home study application in the meantime.

Lately, frustrated with ambiguous time line for adoption, I've begun to consider again other herbs and drugs to aid conception. I don't want the emotional roller coaster, but the "what if it works this time?" and the lure of possible instant pregnancy tempts me....

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