Monday, March 14, 2011

God's Timing

In October of 2009, I began praying Hannah's prayer in 1 Samuel: "God give us a child, a son, that we may give him back to you..." Whether by adoption or by pregnancy, it didn't matter. November found me taking yet another disappointing pregnancy test all the while insisting to myself.... "it feels different this time." My sense of smell, never great, was amazingly strong, a symptom I'd never experienced before. But the pregnancy test must be right.... it had always been so before. Around Veteran's Day, I came down with a bad bronchial infection. I didn't know that's what it was, just that the fever and chills had given way to a tightness in my chest that worried me. So I went to the doctor's. Just before the x-ray, I mentioned that I'd just like to be sure I wasn't pregnant. Sure of another (or the same) negative result, Conroy and I chatted nonchalantly while waiting for the doctor to return, give us the negative answer, and proceed with the x-ray. Instead, she walked in with a smile and a hearty "Congratulations!" Dumbfounded, Conroy and I repeatedly pressed her, "What? Are you sure?" She probably thought we were a little crazy, but I could hardly think straight beyond the swell of emotion that suddenly filled my throat and my eyes. Our dreams come true and prayers answered-- a baby!

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