Thursday, March 6, 2014

A Gift Broken, Bent, Beautiful

Ann Voskamp's Joy Dare prompt for today defied conciseness -- at least for this wordy writer! It also prompted a photo.

Enclosed in my Bible next to Proverbs 31 are the first little wildflowers that Jacie every brought me as an almost-two-year-old.  In the years of praying and longing for a child, I promised myself that I would keep the very first posies brought to me by my child.  So I pressed these in my Bible as my perpetual broken, bent, beautiful reminder of the gift of motherhood that God has given me.  It's in that exact spot -- next to Proverbs 31 -- as a reminder of the high calling that accompanies being a mother to my little girl.

I couldn't help but think of the spiritual parallel the description "broken, bent, beautiful" begs in my own life -- the breaking of me, the bending of my will to His in order to create something beautiful in His sight.


Anonymous said...


Julie Lewis said...

Thank you!