Monday, June 16, 2014

Glimpses of Glory

We see it in the glowing faces of the newlywed couple -- passion, excitement, joy radiating from their very beings.

It's in the moment a newborn child, long- desired and prayed for, is placed in the outstretched arms of a first time mother -- desire fulfilled.

It's felt in the moments we see our children, or those we've mentored and poured our lives into, make right choices. It's in the bursting pride we feel.

Glimpses of glory.  Heaven breaking through for a second, shining its light on our shadowy world.  But just glimpses. Never really pure joy. Hardly unadulterated. Because how can Joy not be tinged with sadness?  Not be mingled with life's disappointments?

Behind the newlywed smiles lurks impossible expectations just waiting to be dashed. At every joyous occasion, smiles mask the pain of disappointment.

The newborn answer to his mama's prayers may soon break her heart with his rebellious ways, or at the least, present a whole new set of worries and vulnerabilities unique to parenthood.

The pride we feel in our children is mingled with all the fears for their continued well being and the sadness of another child's failure.

Rarely do we know joy without feeling at the same time the hurt we've had to overcome to get to this place, the lingering ache in another area.  A promotion at work may have meant strain on a relationship at home.  The golden anniversary celebration represents lots of hard work and tears -- sorrow mingled with joy.

Until heaven, glimpses of glory is all we get.  Little sweet foretastes of glory divine. But always, always tinged with the groaning of creation longing for perfection.

Longing for the Joy to be made full.  

To be complete.  

To be unadulterated.

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