Tuesday, November 4, 2014

4 Signs Your 4-Year-Old May Have a Frozen Fixation

1.  She wakes you up in the morning with a knock on the bedroom door and a cheery "It's Coronation Day!"  proclamation.

2.  When role-playing the movie, she corrects your "frozen" stance, adjusting your arms to correctly simulate the posture in which Anna was frozen at the end of the movie.

3.   She knows that Anna and Elsa are from Arendelle (and knows how to correctly pronounce it), but doesn't know what the name of her own state is.

4.  Deep, analytical conversations involving Anna and Elsa's moods and motivations at key points in the movie. "Mommy, Elsa was happy when she was in the ice castle she made, but Anna was sad when Elsa hurt her."

Yes.  This is my daughter.  This is my life right now.  And don't think I can't see all you moms of little girls nodding your heads in agreement through the computer as you read this, because I can and I do.

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