Thursday, March 5, 2015

Jacie's To Do List

A recent genius idea that my husband came up with is a to-do list for Jacie.  She is in love with the concept.

Every morning before he leaves for work (or sometimes the night before), he writes up a list like the one above.  

Jacie gets so excited about reading what she has to do next, then crossing each item off as she finishes it.  I am so excited about mornings when she's almost completely self-occupied, working independently, while I get some household chores done, sleep in, or have some personal Bible time/blogging time (like right now!).

The list usually contains the same items: morning chores, Bible reading and prayer, reading a specified amount of books, playing, screen time, and "schoolwork" (math or letter tracing/copying worksheets). The order of the last few items may vary, and Conroy usually changes the amount of books she reads daily, too -- adding one each day.

Math Bonus:  As she was counting out her seven books in her room this morning, I heard her say (To her doll? Or to herself?) "Did you know that 6 +1 = 7?"   Wow!  I love hearing her mind at work!

And this is "homeschooling" in a nutshell for us, folks! 

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