I had to think about this for a little bit. Marriage advice articles are a dime a dozen online. But if I had to boil down all those blog articles (including my own), all the books I've read, all the radio broadcasts I've heard on the topic, what crucial nuggets would I be left with? Here are the answers I settled on:
3 Reasons Why a Marriage Works:
1. A marriage works when two people are more committed to honoring God and their marriage vows than they are to serving their personal happiness. Marriage isn't all happiness and romance, so a couple has to be committed to stick it out through the tough times.
2. A marriage works when both people look for ways to serve, love, and honor each other. Selfishness cannot exist in a successful marriage. Each person should have the attitude of "how can I show love and respect to my spouse today?"
3. A marriage works when it's guarded diligently from potential wreckers -- coming from outside sources or internal (heart) sources. Both spouses should guard against any other human relationship usurping the place only their partner should have. And both must guard against bitterness, unforgiveness, or a critical attitude that can tear a marriage apart from the inside.
What would be your top three? Or what have I left out? Your thoughts, please!
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