Saturday, January 25, 2014

Lesson Planning as WORSHIP

It really is true:  The Holy Spirit deals first with the teacher before dealing with the student. 

Every week I plan the lesson for my Sunday School class whom I dearly love. 

 Every week I am humbled almost to tears, awed in worship, and filled with adoration for my Jesus. 

 Something happens during the preparation time, and suddenly it's just Jesus and me

 His faces shines so bright in the pages of Scriptures.  

I am overcome by Him once again. 

There's nothing like it.

The passion to share what I've seen, what I KNOW to be true wells up within me, but I fear that my words fall far short in adequately conveying this truth so mind-blowing, so weighty, so radically life-altering.  But I must keep trying because His Word burns within me; I cannot squelch it.  I must speak of Him Who is worthy, so worthy.  I must speak of His Word because it is The. Only. Thing. that changes lives.  

So with the hymn writer of old, I sing loudly:

“Look and live,” my brother, live,
Look to Jesus now, and live;
’Tis recorded in His word, hallelujah!
It is only that you “look and live.”

I’ve a message from the Lord, hallelujah!
This message unto you I’ll give,

’Tis recorded in His word, hallelujah!
It is only that you “look and live.”


Anonymous said...

Love these words! Love the truth of them in my own life --- and ache for the reality of them when I know I have merely squeezed in "one more thing" in my preparations. What a holy place it is to unearth God's truths and unveil His life to one another! May God's grace and Spirit continue to fill you, Julie, for the measure of giftedness He has meted out to you for His glory.

Julie Lewis said...

Thanks so much for your encouraging words!