Thursday, January 9, 2014

Wrapping Up ...(our love story series)

Time flew from Christmas break to our June wedding in 2006. Premarital counseling provided more fun opportunities for the in-depth, analytical conversations we so enjoyed. We would do our homework together on Sunday nights in the little Wegmans cafe.  Our bemused counselor commented at one point, "So you two just have everything figured out, huh?"  We certainly weren't the typical naive young couple; however, in retrospect, perhaps we did come across a little too sure of ourselves!

Conroy moved into our Cedar Street apartment a month before the wedding, and we had such fun setting it up.  Relatives flew in from Jamaica, and family and friends in the States gathered on that sunny June day. Nothing could mar our happiness and joy -- not the torrential downpour that came on the Friday night of our rehearsal, not the chaos that came with situating so many out-of-town wedding guests, not the rip in my bridal veil that Saturday morning. I remember with great clarity my mother coming into the room where I was getting ready to tell me that the veil had ripped.  With some hesitation, and apparently expecting an emotional response from me, she delivered the news as if it were a great catastrophe.  I remember looking at her in surprise.  Who cares if my wedding veil is torn? I thought. I'm getting married to the love of my life today!  A euphoric haze encased me as securely as bubble wrap.  Nothing could bother me on that day. (Incidentally, my resourceful mother managed to fix the wedding veil and all went well.)

We enjoyed a blissful honeymoon in Cancun, Mexico while Binghamton, NY endured one its worst floods in decades.  Upon our return, we settled back into the routine of life as grad students and full-time employees in the Davis admissions office.  Really, our love story is still ongoing (the point of this blog).  God is teaching us so much, leading us along paths we would never have dreamt on that sunny June wedding day.  Through it all, the blessing of our love and the faithfulness of God's love has kept us.


Unknown said...

Beautiful :)

Julie Lewis said...

Thanks, Phetia! This is the last post in the series.... If you want to read the first all the way through, it starts in November.

Julie Lewis said...

The first in the series is "Retracing Our Steps." Then read backwards from there....