Friday, February 7, 2014

Write? Nap? Read?

Oh, the conundrums of a MOP (mother of a preschooler)! What to do with those few golden hours of Time To Myself?  As I fight to get my three-and-a-half year old to take a nap, I ignore the little voice in my head telling me that she may be outgrowing nap time.  I can't face that option today; I'll think about it tomorrow (said in my best Scarlett O'Hara inner voice).  I NEED those precious few afternoon hours to just BE -- to write, to read, to ponder, to study, to sleep (maybe).

And today I got to do all three, magically enough.

I write because I have to. 
 I am compelled. 
 It is my release, cathartic to my soul. 
I write because even as I shut my eyes to nap, taking advantage of the last few minutes of Jacie's nap, I see words -- type-faced, swirling in clouds, stamped on the back of my eyelids, as it were...  And I know that they must be captured and wrestled to paper.


Janis Cox said...

Oh hello,
I am your neighbour today at FMF. And I just returned from babysitting a sick 22 month old. And I know exactly what you mean. Those moments were precious when he slept - but only 1- and a little. But I loved them - to rejuvenate. And I wrote, read and napped too. lol:)

Writing does so much to our inner thoughts doesn't it?

Blessings to you,
Janis Author of Tadeo Turtle

Julie Lewis said...

thanks for commenting, Janis!

Unknown said...

I have four children and my youngest is 4. In our house, if she takes a nap, she gets to watch a little something (like Jake and the Neverland Pirates or Curious George). She told me today she wasn't going to watch anything today (which, to her, is her way of declaring she doesn't want to take a nap). While she is not 100% rational or reasonable, there is some give and take that works for us. Before that time, I remember days when her nap was essential for me to make it through the day. Time to think or write or read or nap. I didn't blog back then, but certainly needed the outlet.
I'm visiting from FMF.

Julie Lewis said...

sounds like you know how it goes for sure, Cheryl! Thanks for stopping by!