Disappointment. Dashed expectations.
Looking for comfort and finding none.
My soul cries out, "Where do I go for comfort, for relief?" And His Spirit answers, "To Me, Child. I'm always the Best Answer, the Greatest Comforter, the most Faithful Friend."
And I wonder when I will learn to seek Him first. When will I learn that He's always near to the broken-hearted, that He understands the sting of reproach and hurt?
I feel the ache and groan of living in a fallen world, wrestling with my sinful go-to responses to being sinned against. I hate the sting; I hate the heart response of bitterness that wells up in my heart so quickly. I fight against these sinful heart responses, at the same time feeling the futility of the fight, the relentlessness of the battle. It will rear its ugly head again. I will fight the same battle again, maybe in another hour, maybe the next day. Self, wounded pride, and pity are not enemies that die easily or quickly.
But Who have I in Heaven, but You, O Lord? Who else shall I turn to? You are my Faithful Friend, the Healer of my heart, and the only One Who takes my sin away.
Be near to me now.
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