Thursday, May 15, 2014


This morning I got to run -- doesn't happen often with a preschooler almost always at my hip and a husband who works long hours -- but this morning, I got to run.

I have a love - hate relationship with running.  In my teens and early twenties, it was all hate.  But in my late twenties, running became my catharsis -- my outlet for the stress of my day, my way of sorting out the desperation in my soul.  That's when I fell in love.  I fell in love with running right about the same time I fell in love with my husband-to-be as we ran together, solving the problems of the world as we ran. Each day, I couldn't wait to run!

Fast forward to now, 8 or 9 years later, running is again a love-hate relationship.  Some days I love it. Other days my spirit loves it, but my body hates it.

Today was a good run day -- not that my body didn't protest at times.  But today, I felt the strong breeze push against my body, and I pushed back.. Today, the warmth of the sun felt strong and sure, like my feet as they hit the pavement.  Today, the lilac-scented air breathed life in my lungs and energized me.  Today, running was me embracing summer, absorbing nature with all my senses.

Today, I loved running.

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